
LASC Announcement Regarding Processing of Requests for Dismissal (Unlimited Cases Only)

As of March 1st, the Stanley Mosk Courthouse has implemented a temporary process for Requests for Dismissals on unlimited civil cases filed electronically. Effective immediately, Stanley Mosk Courthouse will accept the transaction in the court’s e-filing manager software (EFM) as “received” and will manually process and mail back the completed Request for Dismissal. Filer’s be receiving a clerk’s comment similar to as follows:

This Request for Dismissal will be received through eFiling and processed manually by the court. A copy will be sent to the address on the dismissal once processed. Any other documents in this transaction have been processed electronically.

The temporary process will remain in place until the backlog has been alleviated. A follow-up email notification will be sent to you all when we have ended this temporary solution. Again, this is just for unlimited civil cases in the Stanley Mosk Courthouse.

If filers received a rejection notice in this regard last week (Thursday 2/28 or Friday 3/1), we will no longer reject Requests for Dismissal for the sole purpose of manual processing; instead, the above process will be followed.


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